If you or a family member or a loved one are in need of guidance with Aging, CareGiving, ElderCare, Family Advocacy or Senior Life Planning Issues, then a Professional Senior Advisor (PSA) may be the right choice. A PSA can advise and help with decisions critical to your needs or the needs of your relative or friend, based on their knowledge and life experiences dealing with Senior Challenges and Problems.
PSA’s are skilled in matters of Aging, ElderCare, Assisted Living, Trusts, Living Wills, Durable Powers of Attorney, Health Care Directives, DNRs and a wealth of other questions faced by Seniors and their families in today’s hectic and chaotic environment. Based upon real life experiences, a PSA is a Professional Senior Advisor who “listens and makes recommendations” regarding your personal challenges, similar to a Geriatric Care Specialist or Elder Law Advisor, and on a very affordable hourly or per diem basis.